Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Christmas = Christ's Love

I Love Christmas... the smells, the traditions, the food, the time we have to spend with family and friends, and, yes, even the cheesy Hallmark movies. I love it all!!!

During the Christmas season we find ourselves being inundated with everything the world tells us Christmas should be...We should be spending as much money as possible, to buy the biggest and best gifts for one another. We should be stressed out running from store to store. Competition is in the air, who got the most expensive, or most cherished gift. Is this your idea of Christmas?

What I am going to suggest is a different kind of Christmas. One that is filled with LOVE, and PEACE. Mine is a Christmas centered around CHRIST.

Giving and getting gifts is not a bad thing. What I am saying is that above all the world tells us Christmas what it really is. It's a time to celebrate the birth of our Savior! Think about how he came into the world. How he lived the perfect life. How he treated and loved others. Shouldn't we try to be more like HIM? He gave of Himself in the greatest why possible, He gave his life for us! For you, for me, for your neighbor, your brother, your enemy! Why is it so hard for us to give just a little? This Christmas I encourage you to give of your time, spend extra time with family and friends. Take time to help a stranger or person in need, and give someone a chance to see Jesus in you!

BUT don't STOP there...continue throughout the year...imagine all the people you can effect. Spread JESUS. LOVE people. Help them see JESUS and the true meaning of Christmas. I promise it's contagious ;)

Enjoy this video...the inspiration for this blog!

1 comment:

  1. Nicole,
    You outdid yourself this time. This message is wonderful. And I do agree that gifts aren't a bad thing, but giving of ourselves and our precious time is not easy to do in this busy world, and that's what makes it so GREAT a gift. I'm jumping on your bandwagon and loving it. There is a song by Michael Schroeder, not well-known christian singer, but should be. He wrote a song titled: The Reason for the Season......very dear to my heart. My boys and I spent many Christmas's giving of ourselves and gifts of creativity. They were the most meaningful memories and best Christmas's I remember. Not much time left, but dig deep into your gift of a kind word, a surprise phone call, a short visit to someone in need, and here in Wisconsin.....maybe shovel a midnight sidewalk or two. The magic of Christmas is giving, caring, loving, doing. As you can tell, I definitely caught the Christmas Spirit......deep down, down, down, down in my heart...feels great. I love you both and God is Good! God Bless All Your Precious Followers too. Isn't her writing wonderful. How blessed I am to have you in my life.
